Kitchen Therapy

Hot Chocolate Panna Cotta



This is the perfect summer dessert when you’re over summer and looking forward to cooler weather and the foods that go along with cooler temps, like hot chocolate!
This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie’s recipe tasted heavenly to me. It was cold, silky smooth and refreshing. At the same time there was no mistaking the flavours of a good hot chocolate.
It’s still summer in Australia and we have had temps that have sat around 30 degrees celsius (that’s mid to high 80’s in fahrenheit) or above, pretty much every day this month. It’s starting to wear thin! I’m ready for some diversity, a little bit of cool weather, maybe throw in some rain! Dorie’s recipe felt like it fit perfectly with where I am at. Hinting of cooler weather pleasures but satisfying the need for food that is still  cold and refreshing.
What we have been taking advantage of this summer are the long days. Going for walks at 7 and 8pm at night along Manly beach. The tourists have gone home for the day and the ocean breeze is a welcome relief. And it’s a great way to walk off all the desserts I’ve been enjoying from Baking Chez Moi!


I am looking forward to reading what everyone else in the group thought of this dessert.
We decorated our hot chocolate panna cotta with cream and raspberries to make it look pretty for our dinner guests.
So the following day I made it again and I have to say, it doesn’t look as pretty, but I preferred it like this. The hot chocolate flavour was clear and the texture reminded me of the puddings my mum used to make for me when I was a little girl back in Yugoslavia.




11 thoughts on “Hot Chocolate Panna Cotta

  1. Glad you enjoyed this panna cotta. I thought it was OK, but was nothing like the panna cotta I am used to, so it didn’t really grab my interest. I loved the lava cakes though!

  2. Your chocolate sounds and looks wonderful!! And a walk on Manky beach! What a lovely picture you’ve painted. Not to mention the fantastic photos.

  3. Great idea with the raspberries, and happy to see that I am not the only one that gussied it up with some whipped cream! I will say that by day 2 it did get a weird skin on top… but was otherwise delicious.

  4. With the cream and raspberries, they’re perfect for company.

  5. Yours look so beautiful! Love the fresh raspberries on top…Lovely!

  6. gorgeous–love your presentation! my husband and i lived in sydney for two years…i would gladly trade summer in sydney for winter in new york city right about now (it’s so dismal!).

  7. It sounds like you had a chocolate month. We have also been in 80 degree heat in California but it is supposed to be winter and we could certainly use the rain. Looking forward to what we will be baking next month. Bon Appetit.

  8. Glad you enjoyed. We have the opposite problem here – we are using the cool texture of the dessert to remind us that warmer weather is on its way 🙂
    It looks pretty with the cream and berries!

  9. I’ve made this, but haven’t posted about it yet. It was a winner for me, too. I had it plain, but berries and cream sound like wonderful accompaniments.

  10. Love this post on so many levels 🙂 First, that initial gorgeous shot with the raspberries and cream brought a big smile to my face. Yes, this recipe was a winner. Second, I love hearing about how our reverse seasons are playing out in your part of the world. For different temperatures, we are experiencing that same feelings – being very ready for the next season ! I am also so glad to hear that you are enjoying the extra sunlight that goes with this time of year, as that is one thing I find myself missing the most. Yes, we get used to it and yes, it is just lovely to snuggle up in the darkness with a movie and delicious dessert….but a little goes a long way and being able to take a healthy walk beyond dinnertime sounds divine. Luckily, we cycle through and each season gets it turn 🙂

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