Kitchen Therapy

Chocolate Coconut Tart


This week’s Tuesdays with Dorie recipe comes from Baking Chez Moi.
The tart shell is made, fully cooked, cooled and then filled with a coconut pastry cream and topped with a silky smooth layer of chocolate ganache.
I love that Dorie Greenspan includes tips about storing and making things ahead.
One day I made the pastry case and froze it in the tin. I also made the coconut pastry cream and stored it in an air tight container in the fridge.
The next day I just baked the pastry shell and once it cooled I filled it with the pastry cream and topped it with the ganache. The steps were simple to do, however there was time needed for things to cool and rest, so doing it over two days made it feel leisurely!

It’s also really hot and humid here in Sydney. I look out over to the ocean and most days there is a fog over the water. (In the photo the ocean is mean to be where the fog is!) Some days you cannot see the water as you’re walking along the shoreline! I’m not sure if it’s living close to the ocean but the house feels wet. The clothes feel like they’re not dry, the furniture feels damp and the floors feel like they’ve just been mopped. The salt is coming out of the grinder in wet clumps instead of light flakes. I tried making a gelatine for Christmas and the powder I used would not set. The moisture has been terrible! I was happy to see that this tart turned out so good! And straight out of the refrigerator is a wonderful cold treat!

When I read Dorie’s inspiration for this tart I immediately thought of bounty chocolate bars which I love! I love all things coconut!
I enjoyed the tart however I found the coconut taste too delicate for the chocolate topping, and I’m not that keen on chocolate. I think to make it perfect for me I would need double the amount of coconut filling 🙂

Looking forward to reading what the rest of the Tuesdays with Dorie group thought of their recipes for the week!

9 thoughts on “Chocolate Coconut Tart

  1. It looks gorgeous – I can’t wait to make this one. Does it cut “clean” or does the filling ooze out? I am thinking of making this into “bars”…

    • The filling was dense, especially once refrigerated.
      I think all the coconut bits in the pastry cream made it hold up well.
      I sliced mine not long after putting it in the fridge and the chocolate smudged making the coconut filling hard to see. However when I tried again after a few hours in the fridge it cut perfect! Bars sound great!

  2. I love the coconut topping, so lovely. We loved this tart!

  3. It looks great!! I am looking forward to making this one – because, chocolate!

  4. The sheen you got on your chocolate is beautiful. I love chocolate so I am hoping this will be up my alley. I also live by the beach and can sympathize with your wetness.

  5. your tart is gorgeous! i loved this, too. hope you get a break from that humidity– how uncomfortable!

  6. Your ganache topping is perfect. I just made this tart and we really enjoyed it.

  7. The shine on your ganache and the added coconut…just beautiful!! Glad to hear this one is a good one! We also live by the beach and can sympathize with the salt in the air and dampness! We don’t have the humidity, but the corrosion is something terrible! Hope the humidity lessens soon!

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