Kitchen Therapy

Quiches and Tarts – and everything in between!


It has been another busy week.
At home there’s school, soccer, band, karate, dancing, netball, get togethers, parties, homework, assignments, fights, tears… mostly mine!

Netball Gala Day to raise money for Cancer Research

Band Workshop

Helping out at school

At work there’s more tears, lots of them, but at least there the tears are from clients trying to cope with their own lives.

In all the madness I tried to foster a sense of control so I went on a cleaning and purging binge!
I cleaned everything! Including my iphone… and all the photos… including the one’s of this week’s recipe.

Probably how I looked when I realised I wiped the photos!
(Don’t you love the pics the kids think are hilarious to take!)


I can tell you Dorie’s Spinach and Bacon Quiche was amazing.
Everyone loved it, from the 3 year old to my 70 year old dad.
Absolutely amazing!
To see actual photos of Dorie’s Spinach and Bacon Quiche from the talented French Fridays with Dorie cooks, click here. 

I made this quiche on the weekend, so I was going to be really good (after missing last week’s recipe) and get my post ready nice and early.
When I discovered I’d wiped my photos I was bummed but ready to make another quiche.
Everyone loved it after all…
But then, as I was flicking through my copy of Around My French Table, I noticed the recipe for Gerard’s Mustard Tart.
I joined after the group made this and I happen to love mustard so I thought I’d make this instead.

Dorie uses the same tart dough recipe for both recipes and I had my trusty sidekick helping…

The dough is so easy to make…

The filling for both quiches was even easier to prepare…

As I said I love mustard.
I also love leeks and pasty.
The taste was unusual and unfamiliar, but in a good way.
It left us with a quizzical but appreciative look on our faces.
I definitely recommend stepping out of the familiar and giving this tart a go.
And the spinach and bacon quiche will definitely be made again and again!

A very comprehensive and detailed recipe of Dorie Greenspan’s mustard tart can be found here. 

17 thoughts on “Quiches and Tarts – and everything in between!

  1. The Mustard Tart wasn’t one of my favorites, but my dad LOVED it. 🙂 So glad you did, too. Enjoyed all the photos!

  2. It’s been a while since I’ve made (or ate) a quiche… I think I will try one of these this weekend!

  3. Your quiche looks great! Are those carrots or orange bell peppers on top? Either way, it looks tasty. Plus, the photo of the band workshop brought back memories from high school. Great post!

  4. Good for you for revisiting the earlier recipes! I’ll have to try making that mustard tart too.

  5. Ah, The mustard tart. That one was interesting.
    Don’t you hate it when you over simplify! I guess it works out in the end, but I have kicked myself on more than one occasion after being too zealous…

  6. Too bad about your photos, but the picture of the mustard tart is excellent.
    I made that awhile back and enjoyed it very much. Tricia and I both thought
    this week’s quiche was terrific and will definitely do this again. Love all of
    your photos, especially the one of your sidekick.

  7. Kudos to you for forging ahead and making this mustard tart. It looks fantabulous, as I’m sure your quiche must’ve been too!

  8. I just adore reading your zest for life posts! You rock sista! Your Mustard Tart looks fabulous!

  9. Your picture looks hilariously cute. I realize now that I did not pierce my tart dough before pre-baking… wonder how mine would have turned out now.

  10. I’m sorry you lost your photos, but I’m glad that you enjoyed the Spinach and Bacon quiche. We enjoyed it so much here. Your Gerard Mustard Tart is so beautiful and colorful. We felt the same way about both tarts. It was fun to make the mustard one, but I will be making the spinach bacon one again and again!

  11. Love your post! Now that you are in the tart groove, you should try Gerard’s tart, but with tomatoes. Over the top! Sounds like you all had a lot of fun together, the best part!,

  12. I just love Dorie’s pastry crust too. It blends in so perfectly with the mustard tart and the spinach and bacon quiche. We loved both recipes too and I’m also a huge mustard lover! Great pictures btw! I enjoyed seeing them.

  13. You were a busy baker this weekend. Sorry you lost the quiche photo, but the photos of you and your helper are fun. I really enjoyed both the quiche and that mustard tart.

  14. I ‘ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award! Come check it out on my blog!

  15. Sorry you lost the pictures of your quiche, but the tart looks amazing! I haven’t made the Mustard Tart yet but may have to give it a try.

  16. Oh, I’m so sorry about your photos, but thanks for reminding me about this mustard tart…I really like it but haven’t made it in months. I know how you feel…I lose things regularly like computer work I forget to save so I have to do it all over again. Well, better luck this week. And your mustard tart photo is beautiful.

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