Kitchen Therapy

Artichoke Dip with Rosemary Oil



Friday was the last day of school. Two weeks of school holidays have just begun!
I made this week’s recipe for Cook the Book Fridays as kids and mums were coming and going from our house (the pleasures of living across the road from the school!)
The plan was to have it with grilled salmon for dinner.
I love artichoke dip… but apparently, so does everyone else!
That’s my son climbing the kitchen bench to get to it!


After everyone started to dwindle away, I realised there wasn’t much dip left.
I wasn’t even sure we had enough for dinner as it disappeared quickly with the crackers and breadsticks I put out with it.
What surprised me the most was that the kids liked it as much as the grown ups.

artichoke2I really had no preconceived notion as to how things were going to work out for dinner.
I figured I’d put out the grilled bread, the dip and the gorgeous grilled salmon and let everyone work it out for themselves.
And it worked beautifully…


This dip not only proved to be delicious with simple crackers, but also combined perfectly with the salmon, making a very satisfying dinner.
* We all stank on garlic the next day – but no one cared.
**The rosemary oil was wonderful – except for the bit where I decided to leave it blending by itself in my small hand blender and it vibrated off the bench and splattered vibrant green rosemary oil over… pretty much everything. It was just another one of those things that makes life interesting.
***I was sick for about 2 weeks so being able to make this (a week late) with all the chaos and mess that went along was a beautiful thing 🙂
****I can’t wait to read what the rest of the Cook the Book Fridays group thought of this dish!


3 thoughts on “Artichoke Dip with Rosemary Oil

  1. I agree, this is a perfect throw-together bowl of goodness. I think it’s great that the kids enjoyed it so much too. Looks wonderful with your toasted bread, and then the salmon. Well done!

    And I’m so very happy that you’re feeling better – great that it’s in time to enjoy the holidays with your kids!

  2. What a great idea to serve it with salmon like that! A gorgeous photo, too! It sounds like it’s been a bit up-and-down for you, and that bit about the green oil spattering everywhere…sigh. I’m glad things are looking up and how could they not with this tapenade?

  3. This disappeared quickly at my house too!

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